MSC@ESWEEK / Program

MSC@ESWEEK 2024 Technical Program


Desktop Swap on Mobile Device: Is It a Good Idea?
Prof. Li-Pin Chang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Session 1: Design and Optimization for Memory and Storage Systems

Read Retry Mechanism for 3D NAND Flash Memory: Observations, Analyses, and Solutions
Prof. Jen-Wen Hsieh, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

When Memory-Storage Systems Go Unconventional: Some Techniques and Thoughts
Prof. Po-Chun Huang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Achieving High-Performance Out-of-Core Graph Processing with I/O Optimizations
Dr. Tsun-Yu Yang, Academia Sinica

Session 2: Pearls on Tool Chains of In-memory Computing

Towards Energy-Efficient Memory-Centric Computer Architectures: A Design Tool Perspective
Zhenhua Zhu, Tsinghua University/HKUST

In-memory Computing Low Level Programming Model and Compiler Innovation"
Henri-Pierre Charles, CEA France

In-memory Computing Research and Development: Status and Perspectives
Wang Kang, Beihang University